Both UVA and UVB rays cause premature aging of the skin.
Most tanning beds use a combination of UVA and UVB rays. Special UVB-only tanning beds may be touted as safe, but they still cause skin damage. No tanning beds are safe to use or recommend.
UVA causes loss of skin tone, wrinkles, sagging, and fine lines.
UVB cause uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation, age spots, dull leather-like skin, thin dry itchy skin, brown rough patches, skin tags and warts.
Both UVA and UVB rays damage skin DNA. UVA damages the dermal level. UVB damages the epidermal level.
UVB causes most skin cancers.
SPF (Sun Protection Factor) in sunscreens refers to how much protection you gain against UVB rays only.
SPF does not measure sunscreen protection from UVA rays.
Higher SPF does not indicate you can stay a longer time in the sun.
Broad spectrum refers to a combined effect of protection from both UVA and UVB rays.